Nenthead to America - the unlikely links

Nenthead is a small village located in the North Pennines of Cumbria, England. Throughout its history, the village has been known for its mining heritage, and many of its residents have worked in the mines that once dominated the area. However, like many small towns in the UK, Nenthead has also seen its fair share of emigration, with many residents leaving to start new lives in America.

The first wave of emigration from Nenthead to America began in the 18th century, during the colonial period. At this time, many people from the UK were looking for new opportunities in the colonies, and Nenthead was no exception. The village was known for its mining, and many of its residents were skilled miners who saw the potential for work in the mines of America.

The second wave of emigration from Nenthead to America occurred in the 19th century, during the period of industrialization. As the industrial revolution swept through the UK, many people from Nenthead left to seek work in the growing factories and mines of America. This wave of emigration was driven by economic factors, as the opportunities for work in America were much better than in the UK.

The third wave of emigration from Nenthead to America occurred in the 20th century, during the period of mass migration. With the advent of the steam ship, it became much easier and cheaper to travel to America, and many people from Nenthead took advantage of this opportunity. This wave of emigration was driven by a combination of economic and social factors, as many people sought a better life in America.

The emigrants from Nenthead who moved to America have left a lasting impact on both countries. Many of the skilled miners from Nenthead helped to develop the mining industry in America, and the village's mining heritage can be seen in the many mines that still operate in the United States today. The emigrants also brought their culture and traditions with them, and many of these can still be seen in the communities they established in America.

Families from Nenthead who emigrated to America in the 18th, 19th and 20th century typically went to the northeastern states of the US, particularly Pennsylvania and West Virginia. These states had established mining industries and offered work opportunities for skilled miners. Many of the emigrants from Nenthead also went to the Midwest states such as Ohio, Illinois and Indiana, where the coal mining and steel industry were developing. Some also went to the western states such as Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, where mining opportunities were also available.

In conclusion, Nenthead, like many small towns in the UK, has seen a significant emigration to America throughout history. The emigrants from Nenthead have left a lasting impact on both countries, with many of the skilled miners from the village helping to develop the mining industry in America. Nenthead’s mining heritage can be seen in the many mines that still operate in the United States today, and the emigrants also brought their culture and traditions with them, which can still be seen in the communities they established in America.


A short history of Nenthead


St Bees